Friday, June 28, 2013

Writing Week Recap

This was the first week trying out my new writing routine.

I ended up doing writing on four days, at four different libraries (might have to see how long I can keep that going).

My focus was on my middle-grade dieselpunk novel, Airship Girls and the Land Beyond the Mist. I did some initial edits on Monday. Tueseday, I spent some time looking over an excerpt that was getting critiqued at writers' group that night, and also doing edits on the other piece that was up for critique.

The critique session on Tuesday went well, and I came home with some good feedback. On Wednesday and Friday, I worked on making changes to the chapters that the group looked at.

Thursday I gave myself a day off to catch up on some other things around the house.

This weekend there's an anthology deadline and I have an idea for a story. Time is pretty tight on this, but I am hoping to give it a try. If all goes well, I'll have the story sent out on Sunday, and it will be back to edits on Airship Girls on Monday when I'm back to the writing routine.

The Kiddo is loving summer camp, and the camp staff seems to love him. I'm planning to do something with him outdoors tomorrow, weather permitting.

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