Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer of Writing Begins

It's been a while since I updated. Buried in the day job, for the most part.

The Kiddo continues to grow (and grow and GROW!) and we've had plenty of adventures since I last checked in.

On the writing front, I'm in two writers groups, have collected a couple of rejection letters on short stories, and I continue to work on self-published comics with Gynn.

I'll update more on specific projects as I get this going.

School (my day job, that is) ended for me in the first week of June, but I have had a lot to do in the couple of weeks since then. Meanwhile, the Kiddo finished with school this past Thursday, and today he started summer camp!

And as the Kiddo heads off to day camp, I am embarking on a month of dedicated writing. The approximate plan is this: Drop the child at camp at 9 AM, pack a lunch, and then head to a library and write until it's time to pick him up at 2 PM.

Today was the first day, and the writing I got done was minimal because I had lingering work for the day job and needed to get writing materials organized. Still, I made it to the Hyannis Public Library, and got in some editing work on one of my novel projects, Airship Girls and the Land Beyond the Mist. I'll have lots more to say about that manuscript in the coming weeks.

So my hope is to make progress on a bunch of projects during this month, including reviving regular posts on this blog. We'll see if that happens. So far, so good.

Keep writing!

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